First I took the bus down to Eindhoven and then took off from their tiny little airport on a tiny little airplane for Dublin.

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My first step was taking a doubledecker bus from the airport into town.

These are all shots from my first steps in the city center of Dublin. I took about an hour to just wander the streets.
In the first picture you can see what's known as "The Spire Of Dublin"; more on that later.

I had arrived on a Saturday and when I was booking there were no nearby hostels available until the following night, so for tonight I was staying in a hostel in a bedroom community. I made my way over to the commuter train station.
On the way I passed a field where people were, cricket, I guess. What a weird game.

My train trip was taking me along Dublin Bay. Eventually I was pretty much looking back across the water at the city itself.
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This is a shot taken from the train.

The area I was in now, Dun Laoghaire, was fairly sleepy but pleasant to walk around in. I found myself a pub to have supper in and quickly discovered how insanely expensive Dublin is.

My hostel. It was decent. Not the liveliest place in the world.

I went out at sunset that night to take some photos. It was a beautiful evening.

Shorelines like these inspired many of Ireland's greatest writers. The next night I would discover some of the pubs which inspired the rest...
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