Wednesday, November 7, 2007

October 31: Halloween

Apologies for the slow posting pace--it's been busy around here.

Here's a video I shot last Wednesday. They don't have Halloween here, so we did a little mock one at the house so the kids could see what would be happening in Canada. It was pretty funny.

Thom was dressed up as a jester, and he had this weird little card "trick" he kept wanting to do. He asks you if you want one card or three, and then you answer, and then he grabs a random object and I guess it's supposed to be funny because it's not a card. In this case he grabbed a plate of food, which to a five-year-old must be hilarious...


Carrie said...

They're so sweet! And what did you dress up as?

brian platt said...

I told Thom to find me a costume and he scrounged up a construction hat and a tool belt, so I was dubbed "Brian the Builder".