Monday, June 30, 2008

Butting Out

The countdown is on: tomorrow Holland joins the rest of the Western world in banning smoking from indoor public places, including restaurants and bars. I can't wait--I'm sick and tired of coming home from Murphy's pub reeking like tobacco.

The same idiocy heard in every country when smoking bans are announced is being repeated here; how many bars and hotels went out of business in Canada when the ban was brought in? I'm guessing it's in the neighbourhood of zilch.
"It is clear that enterprises are awaiting the ban with dread: polls show that 60 percent are thinking of selling their businesses," said a recent statement from -- claiming to be the Netherlands' biggest online retail agency for the hotel, restaurant and cafe (horeca) industry.

But pot smokers need not worry: marijuana joints aren't affected by the ban. Go figure.

Meanwhile, Spain parties its ass off after winning Euro 2008. At least it wasn't Russia!

Ypres posts will be up in a few days.

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