Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Spotted in Radio Netherlands' Press Review:
Two Calvinist schools in the town of Zwolle have asked a taxi company which brings their pupils to school to remove all orange flags and European Championship knickknacks from two of its vehicles. The drivers must also stop playing football songs such as "We love Oranje". A school principal told De Telegraaf: "We refuse to go along with this mass hysteria." In a letter to the taxi company the school wrote: "We have nothing against football, even though there's a lot of swearing during the games. We object however to the herd-like behaviour." The taxi company has complied with the school's request. [emphasis added]

The Calvinist principal then went off to his/her Calvinist church, where he/she read out a collective, monotonous prayer with the rest of the congregation, as is the norm on every Sunday.

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