Monday, June 16, 2008

A Strong Leader

Yes, they take their football rather seriously here.

On Thursday Poland looked headed for a 1-0 win over Austria until a penalty kick was called in the final minutes of the game. Austria scored, the game finished as a draw, and Poland's hopes for advancing in the tournament were quashed. The penalty was a judgment call on the referee's part; one of the Polish players had grabbed the shirt of an Austrian player.

This how the Prime Minister--I repeat, the Prime Minister--of Poland responded when asked about the English referee who called the penalty.
“As the Prime Minister I have to be balanced and collected. But on Thursday night I was speaking very differently about the whole thing. I wanted to kill.

“Referees make mistakes and this was an obvious error that harmed us all.”

His comments sparked an avalanche of hatred across Poland, with vile messages on Internet sites calling for [referee Howard] Webb – England’s only representative at the tournament – to die.

They even printed his home address.

Webb has been promised police protection on his return home from the championship.

Alright, I promise to stop yakking about football and get another photo post up here eventually.

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